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The Y Geelong is back at the Victorian Youth Parliament again this year and we could not be more excited!

Youth Parliament is a program run by YMCA Youth Services that gives young people a chance to be heard at the highest levels of the Victorian Government. Through this program, young people between the ages of 16 and 25 can share their views on a wide range of issues relevant to their lives.

This year the six young people that make up the Y Geelong team; Ruby-Rose Braddock, Imogen O’Shannessy, Taia Hayter, Christopher Oates, Declan Davidson, and Tamanna Azizi, have worked together writing their bill, ‘Improved Disability Education in the Workplace’ and preparing for Parliament. Through their hard work and dedication, they have produced a fully completed and insightful bill!

Ruby-Rose, returning member from last year’s team, shared an insight into why she has returned for her second Youth Parliament.

“I had such a good time last time so I'm back again for the second and sadly final time. I instantly knew after doing Youth parliament last year that I would want to come back. It was such an eye opening and inspirational experience.

Being surrounded by like-minded people, people that I felt welcomed and supported by is increasingly rare in this day and age. To be able to do it again but to be on the other side knowing the process, helping the people in my team that are doing this for the first time just like I was helped, it’s even more rewarding.”


The Victorian Youth Parliament sitting days are Monday 1st of July, Tuesday 2nd of July, and Thursday 4th of July.

Our team will be presenting their bill at 3:45pm on the Tuesday and refuting another bill at 11:30am on the Thursday.


So make sure you book it in your calendars and head on down to Parliament House to support the Y Geelong team!

Stay tuned for more details about when the Y Geelong are speaking.